The Heaven Answer Book

The Heaven Answer Book

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Saturdays with Billy - Hardcover Version

Saturdays with Billy - Hardcover Version

Who's in Charge of a World That Suffers?

Who's in Charge of a World That Suffers?

The Heaven Answer Book


Billy Graham answers questions about heaven and eternity with understanding and reassurance. God's Word says heaven awaits all the saints of His kingdom, but how many of us really know what heaven will be like? The Heaven Answer Book is a biblically based book written in Q&A format with answers to commonly asked questions about our future and final home. Topics include what we'll do, what we'll be, what we'll see, our rewards in heaven, and more. Billy Graham's trustworthy Bible knowledge offers interesting insight and enduring truth about how believers can prepare their hearts for spending eternity with their Maker and Lord.

208 pages | 4.5 x 6.5 | Hardcover | ISBN 97814003193

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